Zenith is Diamond Vogel’s 2022 Color of the Year | Local Lifestyles
ORANGE CITY, Iowa — Painting a wall in your home Zenith, Diamond Vogel’s 2022 Color of the Year, could help make the space feel restful and tranquil.
Sandy Agar-Studelska, marketing manager for Diamond Vogel, said this deep blue, which is inspired by both the sky and sea, can also be uplifting amid a challenging time.
“We’ve gone through such difficult times. Blue certainly has a lot of peace and a peaceful feel,” she said. “I think it just helps us create environments that are very easy to live in and we’re very comfortable in.”
Annually, Diamond Vogel, an Orange City-based manufacturer of high-quality paint and coatings, releases its Color the Year along with a Color Trend Report, which in 2022 is titled “Emerging and Moving Forward.” The report provides 20 colors in four trend palettes to inspire both interior and exterior spaces.
“We’re looking at what are our homes looking like in the future? What does our life look like in the future?” Agar-Studelska said. “I put together a group of palettes that I think address a lot of aspects of making decisions on the feel and the type of spaces that we want.”
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Sandy Agar-Studelska, marketing manager for Diamond Vogel, said Zenith, a deep blue, would look fantastic on a front door, shutters and other exterior elements of the home.
Simply Home features soft, easy to live with colors, which nurture and protect while New Day is all about enjoying the outdoors, according to Agar-Studelska. No Boundaries, which has brighter-toned hues, celebrates life, joy and finding new experiences, she said.
“The last one is Comfort Zone. That one is a really earthy color palette. It’s almost a little bit of an easy embrace where we have very toned-down golds and terracotta and greens and yellows,” she said. “Those really put forth a strength and resilience in our lives. I think within any of those you could take Zenith and add that as an accent color, which would be a great addition to any of those palettes.”
Agar-Studelska is a member of the Color Marketing Group, professionals from industries that apply color to what they make and sell, such as furniture and fashion. When selecting the color of the year, Agar-Studelska said culture, lifestyle and the environment, as well as people’s attitudes, are influences.
“We’re seeing a lot of changes in the home going on,” she said. “Houses are being sold very quickly. People are looking for a home that maybe they can transition to if they are going to be working from home or maybe their children are going to be doing some schooling from home. And, so, they’re looking for more space. The other side of it is that we also see a real shift in what’s happening with baby boomers and maybe wanting not as large of a home, so we’re seeing a real change in that.”
Zenith, Diamond Vogel’s 2022 Color of the Year, can be used as an accent color both inside and outside the home.
Agar-Studelska called Zenith an “impactful color,” which can be used both inside or outside the home mostly as an accent. She noted that Zenith would look fantastic on a front door, shutters and other exterior elements of the home.
“One wall, possibly, in a larger room, or you can use it in small bits, as far as just accents within a space,” Agar-Studelska said of the home’s interior. “But, I also see it as a beautiful color. Say, you have a room in which you’re wanting to have a real restful space, you could use it on all interior walls.”
If you opted to change up your home this year with Dreaming of the Day, Diamond Vogel’s 2021 Color of the Year, don’t fret come 2022. Although Dreaming of the Day, a soft blue-green, has a lighter tone to it, Agar-Studelska said you can use it in combination with Zenith.
“Dreaming of the Day could be used throughout the home, where Zenith would be that color that you would use as a little pop of color,” she said.
Founded in 1926, Diamond Vogel provides coating solutions to the industrial, architectural, industrial wood, automotive, aerosol, traffic and toll manufacturing markets.